DIY Scrooge McDuck Halloween Costume

I usually start asking the boys what they want to be for Halloween towards the end of August.  I do it early so that I can get them early and not wait for the last minute. Well this year my oldest was set on being Scrooge McDuck from the cartoon series Duck Tales. I honestly thought he was joking but he was dead serious. I searched high and low and could not find anything in stores for this theme. I even tried to convince him to pick something else but he was not having it. So I went to


for inspiration and found the perfect costume that I can replicate. It was super easy to make and I think anyone can make it.

Here's What You Need for the Head

White Trucker Hat

Black Top Hat

Blue Felt

 ( if you purchase in store its only 29 cents a sheet)

Black Felt

Red Ribbon

White Feathers

Orange Acrylic Paint

Reading Glasses ( Dollar Tree in store )

Step One

Paint the rim of the hat orange. I painted the top and inside of the bottom.

Step Two

Trace eyes on the felt and cut out. 

Hot Glue the eyes layering them on the front of the white hat.

Third Step

Hot Glue Red Ribbon around the Black Top Hat.

I stitched the sides and front of the Top Hat on to the white hat to make easier to remove if we wanted to reuse again. You may also hot glue it if you want it permanently on.

Fourth Step

I stuck the feathers in the holes on the side of the white hat and once I was happy with the look I then dabbed some hot glue on the ends to the hat in the inside part so the feathers would stay in place and not poke your child's head. 

Fifth Step

Take the arms or legs of the glasses off. (I think that's what there called) lol 

Hot glue the glasses to the rim of the hat.

Your Scrooge Head is now Complete!!!

Scrooge Attire

Blue or Red Robe


White Gloves

Orange Tights

Money Bag

Duck Feet Optional

How to make Duck Feet:

I used orange foam paper and cute out webbed feet. I also cut an opening so that my son can slide his foot in. Duck feet can go on top of shoe. I do recommend sticky dots to anchor on shoe without damaging shoes. 

Money Bag

I painted the dollar sign symbol on a blank canvas bag. I used black acrylic paint for this. I also did make my own stencil as I probably would have messed it up if I didn't.

Everything that is highlighted has a link to where I purchased the items from. You can pretty much find these items anywhere in stores. 

Hope you enjoy this DIY post! 

As always Thank You for your support!


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