Learning To Code With Code Ninjas

Recently we were invited to check out Code Ninjas newest location in Toms River, NJ. When receiving the invite I knew a little about Code Ninjas but not to much so we were eager to learn all about what goes down at this cool place for kids. I knew this would be right up Jay's ally as he wants to be an Engineer when he gets older so we made it a mom & son day date. Some quality time doing something he enjoys.

What is Code Ninjas?

Code Ninjas is coding for kids Ninja style. Kids from the ages of 6-14 yrs old can come here and learn everything there is about coding, robotics, and engineering. You maybe like well how does ninjas fit in with coding?!? Well this super cool place is ninja style. Its theme is inspired by Martial-Arts. The instructors are refer to as Sensei, the classroom is the Dojo and the kids are the Ninjas. Now just like in martial-arts everyone starts as a white belt and works their way up. Coding has many different levels and so instead of getting an actual belt like in martial-arts you actually earn a bracelet. The bracelet starts off in white in the beginning of the program.  As you progress with each level you will earn different colors until you reach the highest level which is the black belt. 

What will your Ninja learn?

Your ninja will be learning a block base curriculum called Scratch. With this curriculum they will learn to basically build simple video games and so fourth. They will learn JavaScript and different programing language.  The students will work up to the black level where they will have the skills to build and publish their very own app. How cool is that?!? That truly is amazing especially in todays generation where everything is built around technology. 

Classes during Covid?

Classes at the Code Ninjas in the Toms River location are up and running. Temps are taken upon arrival, you are required to wash your hands and your work station will be wiped down before and after. You also must wear a face covering during your session. I love that they are also offering virtual classes for those who may not be comfortable in coming in person. You can also schedule all your classes online and may also alternate in person and virtual if you wanted too. 

Our Experience!

Upon our arrival the owner of Code Ninjas in Toms, River, NJ  greeted us and took our temperatures. She gave us a tour of the space and talked about the program. While we chatted Jay was able to connect with the Sensei and get started on his first coding project. As he was learning all the fun stuff I got to get to know the owner and her journey as a business woman and mom. One of her sons loved computers and coding that he went to college and made his passion a career. Her mission was not to only run a successful business but to be able to offer something amazing to the young minds of today. 

Donna demonstrated how the kids not only learn coding but also have fun in a safe environment. They have fun stem nights, camps, and more. They also offer school help which is amazing. Parents are welcomed to wait in the waiting area or drop off and pick up. 

Overall I was impress with the program and what it has to offer. my son had an amazing experience and talked about it on the long ride home. He was eager to show his dad and brother the cool Pong game he made. If your child is anything like mine that loves Minecraft and Roblox then I would suggest in signing them up.

You can get more information on locations and about the program HERE. You can also schedule a tour before signing up. If you end up checking out the location in Toms River please let Donna the owner know that I sent you. 

Thank You  Code Ninjas for inviting us and showing us around!

As Always Thank you for all your love & support!

(This post was Sponsored by Code Ninjas, all opinions remain my own.)


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