Making my 2019 Vision Board
Last year I made my very first Vision Board. I got the inspiration and idea from a fellow blogger that swears by vision boards. So I decided that I would make one and see what it could do for me in terms of keeping on track with my goals. The idea of seeing my goals every morning when waking up and every evening before bed was going to be a game changer. It just made sense of making sure what each day was going to be about and that was to keep reaching for my goals and crossing them off as they were completed. A month from completing my 2018 Vision Board I had already met one of my goals. That just set the tone for the rest of the year.
Looking back at last years vision board and I have to say that I was very pleased and happy that I met all my goals with the exception of one goal that will again be on my board for this year. I am now a firm believer that what you put out into the universe that it will come back to you. Of course working hard at it is also key but it is definitely possible.
So for my 2019 Vision Board I ended up using the same board. My cork board is from Hobby Lobby and I paid under $7 for it. It was natural wood so I just painted it white. I used a different couple of magazines to cut out pictures and words that will give me inspiration for the day and towards my goals. I also printed some specific pictures of things and places that are going to be my New Goals for 2019. It really is super easy and you can get super creative with it. I kept mine pretty simple and will add pictures to it as I complete that goal. Just to remind me that when you work hard anything is achievable. Make sure to hang your vision board where it will be visible to see. I know from experience that if I don't physically see it then I won't work as hard to achieve those goals I have set. Hope this inspires you to set those goals and to work on them!
How many of you make vision boards to help you with your goals for the year?