Walking Against Food Allergies
On Sunday Oct. 11th our family attended our 3rd year at the F.A.R.E Walk in Lakewood, NJ. We walked in honor of our oldest son J who has multiple food allergies. It turned out to be a beautiful day and we really did enjoy our selves
. What I enjoy most about the walk is the different booths that are set up with information on food allergies. They have the Epi and Auvi-Q booths where they have the demos to show you how to work the medication in case there was a reaction and needed to inject the Epinephrine. Some of the other booths that we visited were the Sun Butter booth, the Skeeter Nut Free snacks, the ENT & Allergy Associates, & the SGW (Advocating for special needs child).
. What I enjoy most about the walk is the different booths that are set up with information on food allergies. They have the Epi and Auvi-Q booths where they have the demos to show you how to work the medication in case there was a reaction and needed to inject the Epinephrine. Some of the other booths that we visited were the Sun Butter booth, the Skeeter Nut Free snacks, the ENT & Allergy Associates, & the SGW (Advocating for special needs child).
We walked away with so much information, snacks, coupons, stickers and tattoos for the kids etc.
Along with all these amazing booths are games, bounce house, characters and the Blue Claws Mascot. There were also fire trucks that gave the kids junior fire hats to the kids all while letting them explore the truck. Each year that we attend I tend to learn something new that I can then talk about with my family and friends so they can also be updated with information. Its extremely important to us to attend these events and show our son support and that hes not alone. I pray that he out grows his allergies but until then we will do our best to keep him safe and to spread awareness. If you or anyone needs more information on Food Allergies please visit the FARE website for tons of information and free print ables along with all the walk events that are coming up. Help us say Farewell to Food Allergies!